Posted on 12/22/2021

With the holidays fast approaching, many Americans will be taking road trips to visit family and friends across the country. Playing games is a popular way to pass the time and keep everyone engaged. However, they need to be both adult and child-friendly. In addition, they should have three ingredients to maximize the mileage on the way to your vacation: easy-to-carry, a minimum number of small parts, and a kid-friendly fun factor. Here are three of the best games to play to avoid the "are we there yet?" question, help engage everyone's brains and help the miles go quickly with some fun. The Alphabet Game This road trip game classic doesn't require a board or game pieces; players attempt to find words starting with every letter of the alphabet, going in order from A to Z. You can use billboards, road signs, branded trucks, restaurant names, and other items during the trip. You can play in groups, or everyone can take a turn. Essenti ... read more