Posted on 2/22/2022

No matter how robust your vehicle engine may seem, there may come a time when a car engine can no longer last and need a complete replacement. Fortunately, Torque Automotive can assist you if your engine has reached its endpoint. You can typically judge whether you need a new engine by the miles you've put on your car. On average, you can expect to get around 200,000 miles out of your vehicle. Aside from total miles driven, below are some other signs indicating you need a new engine. Always Overheating If overheating is no stranger to you, even after cooling system maintenance and repairs, it's possible that your engine has a cracked engine block, which is unrepairable damage. Too Much Exhaust Fumes Excess exhaust is another troubling sign that your car needs a new motor. It typically signifies that you have oil, gas, or coolant leaking onto your engine. Ignoring this symptom for too long can lead to irreversible engine damage. Frequent Knocking If your engine knock ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2022

Your tire pressure becomes a bigger priority now that it is winter because the cold can make the air in your tires contract, causing underinflation. Underinflated tires can cause a number of problems, including premature tire wear, poor traction in dry and wet weather conditions, and an increased likelihood of a blowout. This is why you should get in the habit of monitoring your tire pressure; it ensures the safety of your vehicle and keeps repair costs low. What Is the Correct Tire Pressure For My Tires? First and foremost, you will need to know how much air pressure your tires need as they vary from car to car. Tire pressure is measured in pounds per square inch, or PSI, in the US. The typical range for car tires is usually between 30 to 35 PSI. The best way to find this information is by looking at the manufacturer's recommendations on the driver's doorjamb or owner's manual. What Do I Need to Check My Tire Pressure? To check the tire pressure, you will n ... read more
Posted on 12/22/2021

With the holidays fast approaching, many Americans will be taking road trips to visit family and friends across the country. Playing games is a popular way to pass the time and keep everyone engaged. However, they need to be both adult and child-friendly. In addition, they should have three ingredients to maximize the mileage on the way to your vacation: easy-to-carry, a minimum number of small parts, and a kid-friendly fun factor. Here are three of the best games to play to avoid the "are we there yet?" question, help engage everyone's brains and help the miles go quickly with some fun. The Alphabet Game This road trip game classic doesn't require a board or game pieces; players attempt to find words starting with every letter of the alphabet, going in order from A to Z. You can use billboards, road signs, branded trucks, restaurant names, and other items during the trip. You can play in groups, or everyone can take a turn. Essenti ... read more
Posted on 11/29/2021

When it comes to winter tires and standard tires, the biggest difference between the two is their tread. On winter tires, the tread depth is approximately 8-9 mm rather than 7-8 mm on a regular tire. Winter tires also have broader and deeper grooves within the tire tread, which better pushes through snow and wet weather conditions. Another important feature of winter tires is that they are made with more natural rubbers and silica. These materials don't harden as much as synthetic rubber in cold weather, enabling better gripping to the road. Reasons to Purchase Winter Tires: Winter tires are not only suitable to use in snow or ice-covered roads, but they are overall effective for cold weather. When the temperature drops, tires get tougher, which reduces road traction. Winter tires provide better traction due to softer and more flexible rubber. Using winter tires can extend the life of your regular all-season tires since you will only be using your winter tires during the ... read more
Posted on 10/26/2021

A tire rotation is an auto service that involves repositioning a car's tires in different patterns. Tire rotations are vital to both your vehicle and your safety. Often, your car manufacturer may require you to get this done to keep your warranty valid. Your vehicle's manufacturer sets the time to which you should rotate your tires. However, the industry rule of thumb is every 5,000 miles or every oil change. Getting both of these services done at once will make it easier to remember. Why Is It Important? There are many advantages to tire rotations. They include: Evens Out Tire Wear Promotes Even Treadwear Improves Vehicle Handling Improves Fuel efficiency Prevents Tread Cupping Minimizes Tire Noise and Vibrations Keeps Auto Costs Down By regularly rotating your tires, wear is evenly distributed across all of your tires. As a result of more even tread, you can extend the life of your tires. Routine tire rotations can significantly dec ... read more